Capital needs for new power projects in Vietnam 2021-2030 according to the plan approved by the Prime Minister - This is all the capital that needs to be mobilized in addition to public investment capital:
- Investment capital for the period 2021-2025: 57.1 billion USD, of which power source is 48.1 billion USD, transmission grid is 9.0 billion USD.
- Investment capital for the period 2026-2030: 77.6 billion USD, of which power source is 71.7 billion USD), transmission grid is 5.9 billion USD.
Increased capacity of new power projects in Vietnam in the period 2023 - 2030:
- Northern region (Bắc Bộ): 3,816 MW
North Central (Bắc Trung Bộ): 1,948 MW
Central Central (Trung Trung Bộ): 1,229 MW
Highlands (Tây Nguyên): 3,062 MW
South Central (Nam Trung Bộ): 2,121 MW
- Southern (Nam Bộ): 5,720 MW
Nationwide: 17,894 MW
- Vietnam's National Power Development Plan VIII (PDP-8):
- The power projects in Vietnam here:
- Join our Vietnam green energy network:
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